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AMOCID 100ml Syp.

AMOCID 100ml Syp. in Bangladesh,AMOCID 100ml Syp. price , usage of AMOCID 100ml Syp.
AMOCID 100ml Syp.
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Amocid is a kutjarist product. Kutjarist is a well known polyherbal preparation. The main ingredi¬ent is the stem bark of Holarrhena antidysenterica (HA). HA belongs to the family Apocynaceae, commonly known as Kutaja or Kurchi distributed in Asia, tropical areas of Africa, Madagascar, India, Philippines and Bangladesh. Its major chemical constituents are conessine, holarrhine, kurchine and kurchicine. It is anthelmintic, stom¬achic, antipyretic and is generally administered as an extract or decoction in amoebic dysentery. Comp: Each 5ml syrup contains extracts of Holarrhena antidysenterica 1.6lgm, Vitis vinifera
0.    8 lgm & Madhuca indica 0.16gm with some other herbs.
Mode of action: Please see the manufacturer’s literature.
Ind: Kutjarist syrup is indicated in the treatment of- Dysentery (both amoebic and bacillary), Giardiasis, Helminthiasis and Inflammatory bowel disease (Colitis & Crohn’s disease). It is also effective in hepatic amoebiasis, hepatosplen- omegaly and intestinal parasites.
C/I: Kutjarist is well tolerated but caution should be taken in hypotension, kidney disease and diabetes mellitus. Patients with any severe medical conditions should talk to their doctors before taking kutjarist.S/E: Holarrhena antidysenterica (kutjarist) is completely safe and non-toxic to use. Unlike other anti-parasitic medication, it works naturally without toxic side effects or the use of toxic drugs that may cause nausea, diarrhea and headaches.
In some extent with high dose it may cause vaso¬dilatation, hypoglycemia and CNS depression. Pregnancy & lactation: It should not be taken during pregnancy although medical literature has not reported any adverse effects related to fetal development during pregnancy or to infants who are breast-fed.
Dosage & admin: Below 6 years: V2-I tsf (2.5- 5ml) 2-3 times daily. 6-12 years: 1 tsf (5ml) 3 times daily. Above 12 years and Adult: 2 tsf (10ml) 3 times daily after meal for 7-14 days.
In case of colitis, duration should be increased up to 3 months.
Drug inter: There are a few chances to potentiate the activity of antihypertensive, antidiabetic and CNS depressive agents.
100ml bot: 70.00 MRP

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